Oh Frabjous Day, Caalo Calay~ Easter is on its way and by golly, it's Good Friday here! Woohoo! I hope all of you have your plans planned for the Easter break. I, for one, am going to travel to Wellington and Rotorua! Sadly, I will be on a solo mission to these places as my parents instructed me to go by public transport and I totally understand their concern. Well, these places have a lot to offer including the mudspa, geothermal walk and mutton bird FTW! I always believe that if you want to go traveling, make sure you can pay for the tours and whatnot because usually, they have elaborated explanations about the local attractions. Well, I am not saying you must go for them but if you can, don't hesitate!
Now, for a little background story about Good Friday and Easter Monday. Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus as he carried the sins of his people (as they say) on him and went to get crucified (Amen Jesus). He was said to be resurrected after 3 days (cause they saw a hole at the burial site) and all the people there were jolly and proud to that their preacher had gone back to the realms of the Gods. Well, that's about it. So, Happy Easter everyone and have a pleasant break~ ^^
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