Sunday, 28 August 2011

Single Card Review - Chaos Hunter

Dismantled and assembled a lot of decks over the past few weeks and tested them out against actual players instead on DN as I stated previously, DN sucks with so many amateurs who don't even bother reading up on the game rules and card's effects.  So, I built Dark World, dismantled it, built some random deck that focuses on RFTDD, dismantled that and now I am back to Dark World but with a little tweak here and there.  Took out 3 Dark World dealings for 1 Tragoedia, 1 Gorz and 1 Chaos Hunter (proxy).  The card I will be reviewing today is a card that might create an impact in this format.  Being a TCG exclusive up until now, Chaos Hunter has received few to no attention at all, mostly due to its inability to being easily summoned out like Tragoedia and Gorz or Krystia.

Nevertheless, this card could prove to be useful in this format since almost every deck is focusing on RFG and SS now.  Still, being a non SS monster that stays in your hand if the condition is not fulfilled can be very frustrating and that's where DW comes in.  You can create a marvelous combo with this card using DW cards but I haven't tried it out yet.  You discard Celri, Celri gets SSed on your opponent's side of the field, you discard a DW monster and SS this card from your hand.  Yeah, you will lose 3 to 4 cards this turn but in return, you may be able to pull off a big game with the amount of cards discarded.  What is being said here is an ideal situation where you get all the cards you need and the probability is no more than 1% in each round.  

Hence, it is better to play some other decks than DW since DWs are by default weak.  They are fun nonetheless and that's the only reason that compels me to keep playing it.  Until next time, see ya~

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