Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Pursuit of Wealth

Firstly, I sincerely apologise for not updating my blog for quite some time.  Exams and stuff are crashing my timetable.  Due to this, I will keep this post brief and sweet.  "Money isn't everything in this world."  Inspired by this saying, it is undeniable that people indeed know this proverb, at least its syntactical meaning.  

"The pinnacle of wealth and power"

Just the other day I watched this movie from Singapore saying that Singapore's lifestyle revolves around money.  I must say, it does not only apply to Singapore, most of the Asian countries are pursuing wealth and those pieces of papers as if there is no tomorrow.  As the adage goes, "Money can buy you anything."  Clouded by this belief, people try incessantly to procure immeasurable amount of wealth so that they can live a life filled with glee and joy.  However, unknown to these people that doing so demands a huge sacrifice.  I won't go far, just look at my home country, Malaysia.  It has reached the peak of corruption and deterioration.  What was once a glorious empire is now an unsightly struggle for being the main party without the knowledge that Malaysia is heading towards its demise.  The government is now trying its best to gather votes by means of lies, deceptions and scandals.  Why do they resolve to such underhanded methods, you ask.  It's simple.  Money.  I don't know how it works but one thing is for sure, once you have accumulated enough money, your soul is as good as the devil's.  

"Sign the contract and all earthly desires will be yours."

Well, that's all I have to say for this post.  Contemplate before you accept a lucrative deal, it might just be the end of the "you" you once knew.  With that, over and out.

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