Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Thoughts on Dark World Archetype

Recently, people have been commenting on the latest Dark World deck saying how strong and powerful it is.  Some of them went as far as to say that Dark World is a Tier 1 deck.  Being convinced by these comments, I went and purchased 3 boxes of the Dark World decks and created a deck with it.  At first, I was really excited as the artworks are awesome and with the addition of their own dragon, the archetype might as well achieved its epitome.  How wrong I was...

When I dueled with other people on the net, I discovered how weak and pathetic Dark World really is.  Even if you have a hand of godly monsters, if you don't have a discard folder, your hand is literary dead!  Compared to angels, doppels or TG that can function as long as they can hit the field, Dark World monsters rely too much on those freaking spell cards or monster effects that the condition becomes: you discard, you win; you can't discard, you lose.  Simple formula actually.  When I took a look at the East Japan's tournament and saw that Dark World deck got 1st, it dawned on me that that Dark World deck was running 3 Pot of Dualities just for the sake of increasing consistency.  Hence, this makes Dark World deck one of the expensive decks to run and unless you are funded or feel that you are a millionaire, your deck just won't do unlike angels that are already Tier 1 once they are out of the box.

That being said, Dark World is, without a doubt, powerful with its new monsters and support but Konami could have included Dark Corridor which allows the player to fetch a Dark World card and discard one card from their hand.  That would make Dark World more stable as well as providing the opportunity for less able players to actually run the deck.  Celri is utterly useless that lets your opponent have a +1 advantage the turn it is special summoned to your opponent field since Solemn and Bottomless and easily destroy your discarded Dark World monster and enables your opponent to synch for Trishula next turn.  If only the deck had Dark World Corridor instead of the useless Celri, the deck would have looked like this:

3x Dark World Dealings
3x Gate of Dark World
3x Dark World Lightning
3x Dark World Corridor

With 12 discard folders, it will be a miracle if you ever lose!  But Konami doesn't take into account of their players and loyal fans.  I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh! ever since it first became popular and have most of the old cards.  Back in those days, Konami was not such a stucked up snob who doesn't listen to the comments from their players.  The decks released were more decent too with extra cards for you to fiddle with as well as more rooms for you to optimise your deck.  Contemptibly, Konami is just focusing on sucking you dry of your money because all the good cards are nowhere to be found in any structure deck anymore.  Only a FEW good cards were ever reprinted in structure decks.  An example off the top of my head would be Dimensional Prison and Bottomless Traphole but those are also rare in other decks.  I think Konami should step down from their throne for one day and take the time to listen to their players' opinions.  If they still don't do so, a calamity will befall them in the near future.  That's all from me today, see ya~

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