Hi there, sorry for not updating my blog for such a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGG time~ Generally, there had been numerous attempts to update my blog but laziness was just too overwhelming so now that I feel the drive to do so, I will finish with all the 30days blog challenge. Here goes:
Day 21 - Most Memorable Event
Although this should have been a long post, I will keep it short to make room for my other posts. Okay, so the most memorable event was hanging out with my friends back in Kuching and in New Zealand. Well, before who I am today, I was an introvert and hardly mixed with anyone. If you ask my secondary school peers, they would tell you everything. Hence, spending time with my friends and laughing together is a very pivotal thing in my life and I cannot imagine how I would have been had I not met up with all these wonderful people.
Day 22 - Most Deceitful Event
Well, I had a lot of bad happenings in my life but the worst would be my relative beating her kids like nobody's business and that she thought that she was the best. Sigh, maniac~
Day 23- Happiest Moment in my life
Everyday I'd guesses.
Day 24 - Saddest Day in my life
The day I lost my grandmother. She was the spiritual support and the one who gave me the most encouragement throughout my life. I took her for granted when she was still with me and didn't give her the full respect she deserved. Reminiscing, I was really a fool and a good-for-nothing grandson.
Day 25 - How you would be in 10 years
God knows.
Day 26 - Your future girlfriend/wife
Perfect of course!
Day 27 - Your Future Children
As long as they do not give me a headache frequently and stay true to my parents' teaching, no complaints here.
Day 28 - What are your ideals
1 - Be honest and never hide behind a mask
2 - Be jocund as life is too short
3 - Be a MAN, do the right thing!
Day 29 - What do you wish to achieve
I want to become the best damn teacher the world has ever seen. I don't want to just teach students about all those technical knowledge but provide them something better, something more meaningful, a goal! I want them to live up to themselves and set a goal that they are able to achieve. When they succeed, I don't want them to feel conceited and complacent, I want them to be able to share the fruition of their work to the world and make this planet a better place to live in.
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