Thursday, 13 October 2011

Quick Update and Announcement

I am sure most of you have heard the big update on the latest OCG structure deck (Dragonic Legion).  Yes, Konami has just unveiled one of the two Ultra Rare dragons and as far as I can tell, that card is quite good but not broken, at least not to the extent of Hyperion or Grapha.  It is on par with Snoww and Earth though being a good +1 fodder for their respective theme.  So, without further ado, let's analyze the card shall we?

So, basically the effect goes like this:
"You can remove 1 DARK and 1 LIGHT monster in your graveyard from play to special summon this card from your hand.  Also, you can send 1 DARK and 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your graveyard to special summon this card from your graveyard.  If this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, you can select 1 LV5 or higher DARK dragon-type monster and special summon it onto your field."

The effect is quite good considering the best DARK dragon you can target from your grave is Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and he is going to be reprinted in this deck, yahoo!  So, basically, you can pitch this guy and REDMD into your grave via future fusion and send one light and one dark monster into your graveyard to special summon this guy back.  Then, you can do either a kamikaze or dark hole to get REDMD and another dragon of your choice onto the field.  Quite neat if you ask me.  However, like I mentioned earlier, this is at best a Snoww or Earth.  This card acts as a facilitator and not more than that.  It does play a good role as a LV6 beatstick, taking into account most LV6 only have 2400ATK.  Now, all we can do is wait patiently for the DARK variant to be revealed, whether he will be more powerful or not is up to the judges to decide.  I do hope trade-in and white stone legend will get reprinted in this deck since this deck totally need those cards if they want to run well.  Other than that, this structure deck could be something good to look forward to.  If the cards are good, I am going to buy 3 boxes of this and finally replace my Machina deck.

Furthermore, next week I will be quite busy with assignments and test preparations, so I won't be blogging a lot.  Until next time, take care and good night.

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